Dual Enrollment / Schedule-Less

Midlands Tech Dual Enrollment Course Offerings

Any R2i2 student is eligible to enroll in Dual Enrollment courses offered at R2i2 as long as the following entrance requirements are met.

  1. The school counselor AND the parent/guardian must email R2i2@richland2.org their permission for the student to enroll in the course
  2. Students must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0
  3. 2020-21 grades will be reviewed and if the student scored below 70 on any online or hybrid offerings, R2i2 reserves the right to deny that student a dual credit option.
  4. If a student would like for the course costs (not including any textbooks) to be covered under state scholarship money, they are required to take 2 dual enrollment courses per semester. If the student prefers to take only one course for 3 credit hours, they can do so by paying the Midlands Tech tuition
    and fees for that single class. Neither the district nor the SC Lottery Tuition Assistance Program will pay for textbooks and textbooks are required.

NEW THIS YEAR! “Schedule-less”/Self-Paced Course Offerings

These courses have the same entrance requirements as those listed above for MTC dual enrollment courses, numbers 1-3 (enter “schedule-less class” in the email subject line).
Students who are enrolled will gain access to a self-paced and Internet-based course. An R2i2 teacher will serve as course facilitator, but students will be largely self-directed. Students will be required to complete weekly assignments/check-ins with the instructor. Each class has a max class size of 25 students.

Computer Science (“Schedule-less”)

Computer Programming 1 Course Number TBA: “App Development Using Python”
Students will dive into the fundamentals of programming concepts while learning text based coding using Python. Students will apply skills such as computational problem solving, collaboration, and communication. Student projects will increase in complexity throughout the semester, culminating in creative tasks that allow them further exploration of various topics driven by their interests. Credit: 1 (Satisfies Computer Science Graduation Requirement)

Design Survey Course (“Schedule-less”)

Industrial Technology Education 1 6040000CW: “The Art of Design-Architecture to Fashion”
This survey course is an introduction to the principles of design. Students will become competent in several types of design software: Computer-Aided Design, Graphic Design, Architectural Design, & Fashion Design.

During the first nine weeks, students will use tutorials and videos to create basic designs using the varied design software. This work will be schedule-less with the expectation that students will meet weekly assignment deadlines. Daily participation will be self-paced & grades based on student competency. In the second nine weeks, students will pick a “major” & continue more in-depth projects with their selected software. This work will culminate in a project presentation based on the student work for this period. Credit: 1
Dual Enrollment Options Not Listed In This Guide: USC-Sumter
Courses subject to availability contingent upon University staffing.

Dual Enrollment Courses not taught by R2i2 Instructors are communicated to Guidance Departments as the information becomes available. These Dual Enrollment courses are offered through University of South Carolina-Sumter and taught by USC Professors on the R2i2 Student Innovation Center’s campus. To enroll in any dual enrollment courses, students must meet specified criteria established by USC-Sumter. Parents/guardians should check with their student’s university or colleges of interest to see if dual enrollment/credit courses will be accepted.

NOTE: The student must receive credit in both Eng 101 & Eng 102 to meet the Eng 4 requirement for a high school diploma.


  1. Can 10th graders take an R2i2 dual credit class?
    Yes, 10th graders can take dual credit classes offered by R2i2 teachers. They may not be eligible for dual credit classes taught by USC-Sumter or MTC personnel.
  2. What are the prerequisites for enrollment in dual credit classes?
    Prerequisites for dual credit classes offered by R2i2 teachers are listed above. Prerequisites for classes taught by USC-Sumter or MTC have been shared with counselors in a separate communication from J. Cain.
  3. How do the “schedule-less” classes work?
    Students express an interest in taking a schedule-less class through R2i2 to their school counselor. The counselor then notifies the student’s parent/guardian that they are interested. If the parent/guardian agrees that their student can request a spot in the R2i2 Schedule-less class offerings, the counselor AND the parent/guardian must send a separate email to R2i2@richland2.org with the subject line reading “Schedule-less Class Request”. After receive BOTH emails, R2i2 staff will review the student’s profile to ensure they meet the additional entrance requirements as described above.
  4. What is the difference between dual enrollment and dual credit?
    A student is dually enrolled with two campuses, in this case their Richland Two campus and their specific college campus (either MTC or USC-S). When the credit is earned, there will be a dual credit awarded.